
Primalqueen came to us with the goal of improving revenue per website visitor on their landing pages, in order to scale with more profitability. Here’s what we’ve done so far.

The majority of our focus so far has gone into 3 key areas:

  • Refining social proof to target key buyer objections
  • Optimizing hero section with VSL’s to maximize product value perception
  • Reducing unnecessary purchase friction

This approach has given us a strong evergreen foundation to continue building from.

Test 1

CVR Increased:
Monthly Revenue Added:

Tinkering with CTA Copy

The experiment involved testing seven variations of Call to Action (CTA) copies on the landing page to determine which was the most compelling for users. The CTA "Unlock Your True Power" emerged as the clear winner, achieving a 95% confidence level in its effectiveness.

Why This Test Won:

  1. Powerful and Motivational Language: The phrase "Unlock Your True Power" likely resonated more deeply with users by appealing to their desire for self-improvement and empowerment. This strong, motivational language can be more persuasive than generic or less engaging CTAs, leading to higher conversion rates.
  2. Clear Value Proposition: The winning CTA clearly communicates a benefit to the user, which is essential in driving conversions. By suggesting that users can unlock something valuable (their true power), it likely made the action feel more meaningful and compelling.
  3. Enhanced Emotional Appeal: Emotional triggers can significantly influence decision-making. The chosen CTA taps into users' emotions by implying that the product offers a transformative experience, which likely contributed to the increased engagement and higher RPV.

What We Learned:

  • Impact of CTA Language: This test highlights the significant impact that the choice of words in a CTA can have on user behavior. A well-crafted CTA that speaks to users' emotions and aspirations can drive substantial improvements in conversion rates and revenue.
  • Importance of Testing Multiple Variations: The success of this test underscores the value of experimenting with different CTA variations. What may seem like a small change in wording can have a considerable effect on the effectiveness of a landing page


The "Unlock Your True Power" CTA outperformed other variations, demonstrating the importance of using strong, motivational language in driving conversions. This experiment underscores the value of carefully crafting CTAs that resonate with users on an emotional level and clearly communicate the benefits of taking action. For e-commerce brands, continually testing and refining CTA language can lead to significant gains in conversion rates and overall revenue.

Test 2

CVR Increased:
Monthly Revenue Added:

Social Proof Matters

The experiment involving the expansion of the single review social proof section into a carousel featuring multiple reviews, each highlighting the product's Unique Selling Propositions (USPs), proved to be highly successful. With a 98% confidence level achieved across all segments, the data indicates that this change had a substantial positive impact on user engagement and conversions.

Why This Test Won:

  1. Enhanced Social Proof: By transforming a single review into a dynamic carousel, the page now showcases a broader range of customer experiences and endorsements. This likely built more trust and credibility, as potential buyers were exposed to multiple positive testimonials, reinforcing the product's value.
  2. Highlighting USPs: Each review in the carousel not only served as social proof but also emphasized specific USPs, subtly educating potential customers about the benefits they could expect. This dual function of the reviews—both as endorsements and as informative content—likely drove more informed and confident purchasing decisions.
  3. Increased Engagement: The interactive nature of the carousel might have captured users' attention more effectively than a static review, encouraging them to engage more with the page content. This interaction could have helped in retaining visitors longer, leading to higher conversion rates.

What We Learned:

  • Power of Social Proof: This test reaffirms the significant role that social proof plays in e-commerce. Expanding and emphasizing customer reviews can have a profound impact on conversion rates and overall revenue, especially when these reviews are strategically aligned with key product benefits.
  • Importance of Multiple Touchpoints: Providing multiple touchpoints through different reviews allowed for a more comprehensive communication of the product's value, catering to different customer needs and concerns. This approach can be particularly effective in markets where trust and product efficacy are critical to the purchasing decision.


This experiment demonstrates the effectiveness of leveraging social proof to enhance user trust and drive conversions. By expanding a single review into a carousel that also highlights USPs, the page not only increased its credibility but also communicated the

Test 3

PSV Increased:
Monthly Revenue Added:

Video Magic

The test of replacing the static hero image with four different video sales letters (VSLs) revealed some intriguing findings. While most of the variants did not show significant improvements, Variant #3 stood out by driving a substantial increase in Average Order Value (AOV) and Revenue Per Visitor (RPV). Interestingly, the Conversion Rate (CVR) remained largely unchanged, suggesting that while the number of conversions didn't increase, the value of each conversion did.

Why Variant #3 Succeeded:

  1. Compelling VSL Content: The content in Variant #3 likely resonated more effectively with the audience, perhaps by better highlighting the unique value propositions or by more effectively communicating the benefits of the product. This VSL may have appealed to customers' emotions or addressed pain points more directly, leading to higher-value purchases.
  2. Engagement Over Quantity: While the conversion rate stayed the same, those who did convert were persuaded to spend more, possibly due to stronger messaging or a better alignment with their needs. This suggests that the VSL was successful in elevating the perceived value of the product.
  3. Focus on Benefits: The messaging in Variant #3 might have emphasized key benefits such as energy balance and hormonal health, which are likely high-priority concerns for the target audience. By directly addressing these issues, the VSL may have driven customers to choose higher-priced items or add more to their cart.

What We Learned:

  • VSL Effectiveness: This test highlights the potential of VSLs to increase the value of conversions even if the volume of conversions remains unchanged. It emphasizes the importance of focusing on the content and messaging of VSLs to ensure they resonate deeply with the audience.
  • Targeted Messaging: A single VSL can have a dramatic impact if it effectively speaks to the primary concerns of the target audience. This suggests that further testing with VSLs that emphasize different product benefits, such as subscription options, could yield even better results.


This test underscores the power of well-crafted VSLs in driving higher-value conversions. While not all variants performed equally, Variant #3 demonstrated that with the right message, a VSL can significantly increase both AOV and RPV, contributing to substantial revenue growth. Moving forward, focusing on refining VSL content, particularly around subscription benefits, could unlock even greater potential for

Final Results

Tests Ran:
Tests Won:
Revenue Added:

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