
Bloxboom came to us with the goal of improving revenue per website visitor, in order to maximize their marketing efficiency, increase revenue per website visitor & scale with more profitability.

The majority of our focus so far has gone into 3 key areas:

  • Refining pricing & sale presentation
  • Refining offer & discounts
  • Improving social proof & credibility

This approach has given us a strong evergreen foundation to continue building from.

Test 1

CVR Increased:
Revenue Added:

Tagging is Important

The recent experiment of adding "sale" and "popular" tags to the collections page has proven to be an exceptionally successful strategy. The implementation significantly improved key performance metrics, most notably the Conversion Rate (CVR), Average Products Per Visitor (APPV), and Revenue Per Visitor (RPV), with a 96% confidence level.

Why This Test Won:

  1. Enhanced Product Visibility: The introduction of "sale" and "popular" tags directly influenced buyer behavior by making high-demand and discounted items more prominent. This likely drove more focused attention towards these products, encouraging quicker decision-making and increasing the likelihood of conversions.
  2. Leveraging Social Proof and Urgency: The "popular" tag acted as a form of social proof, signaling to potential buyers that these items are in demand, which can reduce hesitation and drive purchases. Similarly, the "sale" tag introduces an element of urgency, compelling users to take advantage of the deal before it's gone. These psychological triggers are well-known for their effectiveness in boosting conversions.
  3. Increased Perceived Value: The combination of highlighting sales and popular items likely increased the perceived value of the products, pushing users towards higher spending. The significant rise in RPV suggests that customers were not just converting at a higher rate but were also buying more or choosing higher-priced items.

What We Learned:

  • Power of Tagging: Simple tagging mechanisms like "sale" and "popular" can have a dramatic impact on user behavior. By strategically using these tags, online stores can direct customer attention and drive higher engagement and sales.
  • Psychological Triggers in E-commerce: This test reinforces the effectiveness of leveraging psychological triggers such as urgency (sale tags) and social proof (popular tags). These elements can significantly enhance the perceived value of products and encourage users to act quickly.


The results of this test clearly demonstrate the value of adding targeted tags to product listings. By strategically applying "sale" and "popular" tags, the store successfully increased not only conversion rates but also the overall revenue generated per visitor. For e-commerce brands, incorporating similar tagging strategies could be a powerful way to guide user behavior and maximize revenue. This test highlights the importance of psychological triggers in driving e-commerce success and the potential revenue benefits of simple yet impactful UI changes.

Test 2

CVR Increased:
Revenue Added:

TopBar = Prime Real Estate

The experiment of moving the top bar that highlights the brand's Unique Selling Propositions (USPs) from just the homepage to site-wide coverage yielded positive results, particularly for desktop users. This change resulted in noticeable improvements in key performance metrics for Conversion Rate (CVR) and Revenue Per Visitor (RPV).

Why This Test Won:

  1. Consistent Value Proposition: By extending the top bar across the entire site, not just the homepage, the brand consistently communicated its key value propositions to users regardless of where they were on the site. This likely reinforced the brand’s messaging, making visitors more confident and encouraging them to convert at a higher rate.
  2. Increased Visibility: Placing the USPs prominently across all pages ensured that visitors were continuously reminded of the brand's key benefits, such as free shipping, quality guarantees, or exclusive offers. This persistent visibility may have nudged users who were on the fence, contributing to the increase in both CVR and RPV.
  3. Enhanced User Trust: Consistently showcasing the USPs can build trust over time, especially for users who browse multiple pages before making a purchase. Seeing the same reassuring messages repeatedly could have bolstered their trust in the brand, leading to more purchases and higher spending.

What We Learned:

  • Importance of Consistency in Messaging: This test highlights the value of maintaining consistent messaging throughout the user journey. Ensuring that USPs are visible site-wide can help reinforce the brand’s value propositions and drive conversions.
  • Desktop-Specific Strategies: The positive results on desktop suggest that desktop users may benefit from more extensive information and reassurance as they browse. Tailoring site-wide features to desktop experiences can be particularly effective in driving higher engagement and revenue.


This experiment demonstrates the power of extending key messaging across the entire site, particularly for desktop users. By making the brand's USPs visible on every page, the site not only improved conversion rates but also increased the overall revenue per visitor. For e-commerce brands, ensuring that core value propositions are consistently communicated throughout the user journey can significantly impact both conversions and revenue, making it a highly effective strategy for enhancing user trust and driving sales.

Test 3

CVR Increased:
Revenue Added:

You Saved $ vs %? 

The experiment tested changing the display of discounts from a percentage off to a "You saved X" format on cart sale items, specifically targeting mobile users. This adjustment proved to be highly effective, significantly increasing the Conversion Rate (CVR) with a strong 99% confidence level. The results indicate that this approach resonated well with mobile shoppers.

Why This Test Won:

  1. Clarity in Savings: By explicitly showing the amount saved rather than just a percentage, the value of the discount became more tangible to the customer. Mobile users, who often prefer quick and clear information, likely found this format more straightforward and compelling, which encouraged them to complete their purchases.
  2. Psychological Impact: The "You saved X" format directly appeals to the consumer's sense of getting a deal. Seeing a concrete dollar amount saved can feel more rewarding than a percentage, which may not always translate clearly in the consumer's mind, especially on smaller screens where they may not take the time to calculate the savings.
  3. Optimized for Mobile Behavior: Mobile users typically look for quick, easy-to-digest information. The change in discount display likely catered to this behavior, reducing cognitive load and making the decision to purchase easier and faster.

What We Learned:

  • Importance of Clear Communication: This test underscores the importance of how discount information is communicated to users, particularly on mobile devices. Presenting discounts in a way that feels immediate and significant can have a substantial impact on conversion rates.
  • Mobile-Specific Strategies: Mobile users respond differently to messaging compared to desktop users. Tailoring strategies specifically for mobile, such as changing how savings are displayed, can lead to significant increases in both conversions and revenue.


This experiment demonstrates the effectiveness of adjusting discount displays to better align with mobile user behavior. By switching from a percentage-off format to a more direct "You saved X" approach, the site significantly boosted conversion rates and overall revenue. For e-commerce brands, this test highlights the importance of considering how discounts are presented, especially on mobile platforms where clarity and immediacy are key to driving sales.

Final Results

Tests Ran:
Tests Won:
Revenue Added:

Add 6-7 figures of annual revenue in 3 months.

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