
Livesozy came to us with the goal of improving revenue per website visitor, in order to scale Meta paid channels with more first order profitability. Here’s what we’ve done so far.

The majority of our focus so far has gone into 3 key areas:

  • Optimizing Mobile layout & formatting
  • Refining brand policies
  • Reducing unnecessary purchase friction

This approach has given us a strong evergreen foundation to continue building from.

Test 1

CVR Increased:
Monthly Revenue Added:

Free Returns Matter

The test aimed to increase conversion rate (CVR), revenue, and revenue per visitor (RPV) by auto-adding a "Free Returns" product to the cart and highlighting this feature with a badge.

Why This Test Won:

  1. Increased Perceived Value: The auto-addition of the "Free Returns" product directly in the cart made this benefit more tangible and assured, reducing purchase hesitation. Highlighting it with a badge ensured that this offer was highly visible, likely giving customers the confidence to complete their purchase without the fear of being stuck with the product.
  2. Building Trust with New Users: The test showed even greater improvements among new users, suggesting that the added reassurance of "Free Returns" was particularly persuasive for first-time buyers. Trust is a critical factor for new customers, and offering free returns may have eased concerns about trying a new brand.
  3. Reducing Purchase Anxiety: By emphasizing a risk-free shopping experience, this variant likely addressed common purchase anxieties. Knowing that returns were free and easy may have reduced friction at the final stages of the purchase journey, leading to higher conversion rates and average purchase value.

What We Learned:

  • Risk Reversal is Powerful: Highlighting risk-free options, like free returns, can significantly impact conversion rates, particularly for hesitant or new customers.
  • Cart Page Optimizations Matter: Strategic elements added to the cart page can have a direct impact on final purchasing decisions, making it a critical touchpoint for conversion optimization.
  • Customer Confidence Drives Conversions: Boosting customer confidence through clear and prominent messaging can enhance trust and, as a result, increase sales.


This test demonstrates the substantial impact of reducing perceived risk in the shopping process. By auto-adding the "Free Returns" product and clearly communicating this benefit, we effectively increased customer confidence, leading to notable increases in conversion rates and revenue. For e-commerce brands, especially those with a significant proportion of new customers, emphasizing risk-free shopping options on the cart page can be a key driver of growth.

Test 2

CVR Increased:
Monthly Revenue Added:

UVP Magic

The goal of this test was to enhance the product page by emphasizing unique selling propositions (USPs) in a list format, with the aim of increasing conversion rate (CVR), revenue, and revenue per visitor (RPV).

Why This Test Won:

  1. Clarity and Accessibility of Key Information: By presenting the USPs—such as free shipping, easy returns, and the brand's social impact initiatives—in a list format, the information became more accessible and prominent. This likely helped customers make quicker decisions by clearly understanding the benefits of purchasing.
  2. Enhanced Mobile Experience: The positive impact, particularly among mobile users, suggests that the list format improved the user experience on smaller screens. Simplifying information in a scannable format is crucial for mobile users who may find it difficult to navigate and absorb text-heavy content on a small display.
  3. Trust and Credibility: Highlighting the brand’s support for social causes directly on the product page could have increased customer trust and emotional engagement, further encouraging conversions. Consumers are more likely to purchase from brands they feel good about supporting.

What We Learned:

  • Visual Hierarchy Matters: Organizing key selling points in a clear and structured format can significantly boost conversions.
  • Mobile Optimization is Key: With more users shopping on mobile devices, ensuring that product pages are easily navigable and informative on these devices is essential.
  • Social Proof and Values Can Drive Sales: Emphasizing a brand’s commitment to social causes can positively influence purchase decisions, particularly when these values align with those of the customers.


This test underlines the importance of clear, concise communication of key benefits on product pages, particularly for mobile users. By strategically presenting these selling points, we not only improved the user experience but also drove significant increases in both conversion rates and revenue. For e-commerce brands, ensuring that key information is easily digestible—especially on mobile—can lead to substantial improvements in performance.

Test 3

CVR Increased:
Monthly Revenue Added:

Easy Sorting

The test involving the addition of "Easy Sort" buttons for "Tops," "Bottoms," and "Dresses" at the top of the main collections yielded interesting results. Although this feature didn't resonate well with mobile users, it delivered a noticeable improvement on Desktop/Tablet devices.

Why This Test Won on Desktop/Tablet:

  1. Enhanced User Control: The "Easy Sort" buttons provided users with more control over their browsing experience, allowing them to quickly filter products by category. This likely reduced friction for those who had a specific type of product in mind, resulting in higher engagement and conversions.
  2. Streamlined Navigation: By simplifying the sorting process, visitors on Desktop/Tablet could more easily navigate to the products they were interested in, potentially leading to quicker decision-making and increased purchases.
  3. Desktop/Tablet User Behavior: Desktop and tablet users often have more screen space and a different browsing intent compared to mobile users. The larger interface might have made the sorting options more visible and usable, driving the positive results.

What We Learned:

  • Platform-Specific Features Matter: The success of this feature on Desktop/Tablet versus mobile highlights the importance of tailoring UX features to the strengths and behaviors associated with different devices. What works well on a larger screen with a more detailed browsing experience may not translate to mobile, where simplicity and speed are key.
  • Further Testing Recommended: Given the success on Desktop/Tablet, it might be worth exploring similar enhancements specifically designed for mobile users, such as simplified filters or more prominent, thumb-friendly buttons.


This test underscores the value of platform-specific optimizations in e-commerce. While the "Easy Sort" feature excelled on larger screens, the mixed results remind us that one size does not fit all in digital experience design. For brands aiming to improve user engagement and revenue, considering the unique needs and behaviors of desktop versus mobile users is crucial for driving conversions.

Final Results

Tests Ran:
Tests Won:
Revenue Added:

Add 6-7 figures of annual revenue in 3 months.

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