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33 Tips to Boost Conversions on your Product Page

1. Value Propositions

80% of your visitors wont read your product description. So you need to highlight unique value propositions for your brand or products using icons. For example, if you're selling eco-friendly products, your value proposition could be "Sustainable, eco-friendly, and built to last".

2. Optimize Load Time

Ensure your page loads quickly. On average, every second faster your website loads, your CVR goes up 17%. If you're using Shopify, the quickest way to increase speed is to offload apps. Run a speed report on GTMetrix and PageSpeed Reports to find areas of improvement.

3. Visual Hierarchy

Use size, color, and placement to emphasize the most critical elements on your page, such as the product image, price, reviews, and the add-to-cart button. The more easily a customer can see and understand the most important information, the more likely they are to make a purchase.

4. Cohesive Design

Maintain a consistent design throughout your product page, in sync with your brand's colors, typography, and overall aesthetic. This will improve the user experience, increase trust, and drive conversions. But don't overdo it trying to stay on brand image by making everything the same color.

5. Readability Improvements

Make your content easy to read with clear fonts, short sentences, and ample white space. Break down complex information into bullet points, and use headers to make the text more scannable. If your demographic is older, consider raising font size to make it more readable.

6. Optimized Copy

Coming up with compelling product description copy can be tricky. There is multiple approaches for writing compelling copy, you want to make sure you have congruency from your ads and your copy resonates with your demographic. Try our AI Product Description generator and save yourself the hassle.

7. Above the Fold Optimization

ATF (Above the fold) optimizations are usually the highest impact. Ensure that crucial information like the product image, price, swatches/dropdowns and CTA is visible above the fold, i.e., without scrolling. This is especially important on mobile, keeps the key elements front and center as soon as the page loads.

8. Leverage Scarcity

Make limited stock or time-bound offers prominent on your product page. This encourages customers to make immediate buying decisions, boosting your conversions. A simple "Only 3 left in stock!" notice can push a wavering customer to buy. Don't get too gimmicky with scarcity, authentic scarcity works the best.

9. Estimated Delivery Date

If you have relatively fast shipping times (1-5 days), display the expected delivery date near the CTA, for example "Delivery: Sunday, March 26. This sets expectations, reduces post-purchase worries and can lead to an increase in conversion rate. Do not display if your shipping times are over 1 week.

10. Clear Call to Action (CTA)

Make your "Add to Cart" button impossible to miss. When picking a color for your CTA, do not use colors you use throughout the rest of your theme. Make sure the CTA text is bold and prominent. You can also experiment with showing the Price (Add to Cart - $19.99) or Shopping Cart icons inside your CTA.

11. Dynamic Free Shipping Topbar

If you offer Free Shipping, or a Free Shipping threshold, you need to make that apparent. The easiest way to display this across the entire checkout funnel is to add a dynamic topbar to your website that updates as the user adds to their cart. For example "You are now $29 away from Free Shipping".

12. Videos and 360's

Videos can offer customers a better understanding of your product. They can show the product from multiple angles, demonstrate its use, or reveal features that aren't as noticeable in pictures. Some products may benefit from using 360 degree photos. 360's also increase trust, which drives conversions.

13. GIFs in Product Description

Use GIFs to visually communicate the product's features or benefits. GIFs grab attention, add a dynamic element to your page, and can often explain product features better than static images. We've found through testing that GIFs work best in the product description, or in sections of long form landing pages.

14. Payment Options

Display all available payment options to accommodate every customer's preferred payment method. Showing these payment method icons on the product pages can increase conversion rate in some cases by eliminating any doubt of payment methods, before the user checks out.

15. Product Tabs

Organize information on your product page using tabs. Tabs prevent your page from looking cluttered and can help customers easily find what they need. We recommend having 3 Tabs "Description, Size Guide or Specs, Returns/Shipping"

16. Sticky Add to Cart (ATC)

Implement a sticky 'Add to Cart' button that stays visible on the screen as the user scrolls. This can be implemented on both desktop and mobile, but it is especially important for mobile and product pages that are long-scroll. Make sure your ATC is not stickied until you scroll past it.

17. Remove Popups from Product Page

Placing popups on the product page is a conversion killer. We've found in testing that the risk-reward for having popups displayed on the product page, or cart page is not worth it. Save these popups for the homepage, collection pages & landing pages.

18. Zoom on Hover Image

A quick win to implement on desktop is Zoom on Hover for your product images. There's a handful of image interaction features you can implement, but we've found in testing that this works the best. On mobile your images should open when tapped on.

19. User-Generated Content (UGC)

Include user-generated photos on your product page. Real user experiences increase trust and authenticity, making customers more likely to buy. You can even do this by showing a live IG feed of influencers using your brands hashtag.

20. Media Social Proof

Display icons of media outlets where your product or business has been featured. This boosts credibility and trustworthiness, and can push customers to make a purchase. You can use services like BrandFeatured to buy "As Seen On" social proof.

21. Cross Out Original Price

If your product is on sale, make sure you've added an original price. We recommend showing these greyed out directly beside the sale price. People are more likely to buy if they know they're saving money.

22.Comparison Charts

If your product has different versions or variants, use a comparison chart. It allows customers to compare features side by side, which can be helpful in their decision-making process. You can also use these to compare your product or brand to competitors eg "Why we're better"

23. Color and Variant Swatches

If your product comes in different colors or styles and you have less than eight variants, use color and variant swatches. This gives customers a visual representation of their options and allows them to easily choose their preference. Use images in your swatches, or colors.

24. Quantity Break Button

Include a quantity break button under your CTA, like "Buy 2 get 20% off". This is a quick way for them to take advantage of a quantity break in one-click.

25. Remove Outbound Links

This is one of the biggest conversion killers, and one of the most common. An outbound link is any link that will take them away from the product page. This can be links to Returns page, Size Guides, or even Social share buttons like Facebook/Twitter/Pintrest. We recommend removing all outbound links from your product page.

26. QA on BrowserStack

Don't forget to check your webpage's across different browsers and devices. Use a tool like BrowserStack for Quality Assurance (QA) to ensure your site is optimized for every device and browser.

27. Skip Straight to Checkout

After the user hits 'Add to Cart', experiment skipping straight to checkout. This reduces the number of clicks and speeds up the buying process, helping to minimize cart abandonment.

28. Customize Your Product Recommendations

If you're using Shopify, then the odds are that your themes product recommendations are default. You want to customize these and personalize them for each product so the suggestions are actually relevant.

29. Create a Live Slideshow with Your Images

Utilize a slideshow format to display multiple product images. This provides a dynamic, engaging way for customers to view your product from multiple angles and in different contexts.

30. Use Lifestyle Images

Showcase your product in real-life situations with lifestyle images. This allows the customer to visualize how they might use the product in their own life.

31. Use a Dynamic Meta Title

Grab attention with a dynamic meta title that changes when users switch tabs. It can prompt users to return to your site if they've opened multiple tabs, improving the chances of conversion. For example if a user switches tabs, the title will change to "Come back - 10% off!"

32. Hide Wishlist unless Signed In

Don't overwhelm your visitors with too many options. Keep features like the wishlist or loyalty rewards hidden unless the customer is signed in. This maintains a clean, distraction-free product page for new visitors while offering additional features to returning customers.

33. Don't Hide Bad Reviews

Transparency builds trust. Don't hide negative reviews; instead, keep them on your product page. This lets the customer know that your posting bad reviews, and give them peace of mind they can leave an honest review if they have a bad experience.